Support From Employers, Colleagues, and Worker’s Compensation Boards – Cathy


Cathy was given the wrong information about making a claim by her employer and, initially, inappropriately limited support from WCB.


I sent an email to my supervisor and said “I think I – I’ve never done this in my life but I think I need to apply for WCB.” And the words were, “ No. No. No. You don’t have to do that. I’ll look after it.” And this kind of went on for a few more days and I thought, “I think I’m supposed to report this again.” I was told, “No. No. You don’t have to.” So I called WCB and they said, “Absolutely you have to report this.” So that was a little distressing. And the first case manager I had said something about, “Yep, OK, yep, you’ll be paid for two weeks off work and you’ll be back to work.” And, I mean, I was really sick. And I just said to her, like, “I can’t go back to work. Like, I am really ill. I can’t function.” And there was a silence on the line and she said, “Oh, I’m going to refer you to someone else who looks after more long-term WCB claims.” And then I got on with the long-term one and here I am.

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